There is no longer any doubt that construction projects fail. The only question now is: What can we do to make sure our project doesn't?

While it may be a popular opinion that construction projects fail due to the inexperience of the project manager, the real reasons may surprise you. Many business owners and property developers can attest to having worked on failed projects in the past, only to realize that there were warning signs present throughout its duration. In this post, we will be discussing the top five reasons for construction project failure and how you can avoid them.

Construction Project Failure Reason #1 - Poor Communication: Communication is key to the success of any construction project. When issues go unresolved, they can lead to disputes and misunderstandings that cause projects to fail. Without proper documentation in place upfront, it may be difficult for everyone involved in a project—from clients and subcontractors down through suppliers—to understand their roles and responsibilities. Communication breakdowns are one reason why up-front planning is so critical when it comes to effectively managing resources, reducing costs, mitigating risks, increasing profits, and meeting deadlines.

Construction Project Failure Reason #2 - Unrealistic timelines and budgets: Construction projects often have unrealistically tight deadlines and budgets or pricing pressures. These pricing pressures can come in the form of cash flow, marketing deadlines, production deadlines, or other unanticipated costs that can throw off a budget. Unrealistic timelines and budgets can also cause unexpected outcomes such as cancellations and project delays. How you can prevent this is by making sure your team has the tools and resources they need to be successful on a given project, have a firm understanding of what may come up during production that could throw off timelines or budgets, and communicate with clients about any changes that might happen if there are any changes to timelines or budgets.

Construction Project Failure Reason #3 - Poor attention to detail: Attention to detail is critical when it comes to construction projects. If a subcontractor or supplier misses something on the job, whether it's an incorrect measurement of materials, damaged material during transport and storage, or damage due to weather conditions—it can result in costly delays that could have been prevented with proper planning and communication upfront.

Construction Project Failure Reason #4 - Lack of stakeholder engagement and buy-in: Lack of trust can kill even the best projects. If you don't know how your stakeholders perceive their roles (and those who should support them), it will take more time than necessary for everyone involved—including owners, managers, contractors, suppliers, and subcontractors—to get on board with the vision for success. There also needs to be an open line of communication between all parties so people feel like they're part of the process. How you can prevent this is by making sure everyone feels like they are part of a team, understand their roles and responsibilities within that team, have access to all necessary resources, tools, and information needed for them to do their job well on a given project, make an effort to communicate with stakeholders regularly about what's going on in the project as it happens so that expectations are set consistently throughout each stage of production.

Construction Project Failure Reason #5 - Inadequate resources/ low project team morale: Projects fail when people fail. Everything starts with the people on a given project and their ability to collaborate, communicate, and work well together to meet deadlines and budgets. Teams that are not committed or engaged will likely be unable to come up with solutions for issues as they arise throughout production due to lack of buy-in from all parties involved which can result in delays beyond your control leading ultimately to failed projects. How you can prevent this is by making sure everyone feels valued on a team so every individual has the opportunity for success—including good working relationships between employees, managers, suppliers, and subcontractors who have an equal stake in writing a shared vision for what needs to be done at each stage of construction.

We’ve outlined the top five reasons we've seen construction projects fail and we hope that this blog post has helped address these concerns. If you feel like any of your current or upcoming projects are experiencing one (or more) of these issues, reach out to us at, or give us a call today! We're here to help you succeed by providing expert advice and services tailored specifically for your needs.